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Thank you for your interest in the Body Transformation Programme


The programme is truly transformational (And COVID Friendly!).


It is designed to give you the results we set together.


How it works: My team and I  run 5 sessions a week (60 mins per session). 


Depending on the package you choose, you attend 2 or 3 times a week.


You will have flexibility to choose the days you’d like to attend. 


Our workouts are extremely effective, time efficient and also adjusted for beginners to advanced levels. So you will be given different options within the difficulty levels.


The sessions are based on HIIT, Circuits, Strength, Cardio as well as Pyramid Workouts. These will not only tone you up in a short period of time, but also improve your overall fitness, health and cardiovascular fitness.


What is included? Here are the facts:


Fact 1) Weekly Outdoors (Covid Friendly) Sessions 


Fact 2) 3 Month Online Support : You will  have a full workout plan (With my 2 way-angled videos). These are additional home workouts. I tailor these to your needs that you can fit in around your schedule. I have my own training app that you will be using


Fact 3) Daily healthy habit tracking with my Training App


Fact 4) Bespoke Meal Plan with a shopping list


Fact 5) Daily Check-ins to keep you accountable 


Fact 6) Special invitation to my What-app group to get more support from other members and be part of my community



I would love to personally talk to you about your individual goals, because the programme is specific to you and tailored to your body type, lifestyle and needs.



So, back to you.


Let’s book a 1 to 1 complimentary discovery call (it takes about 15 mins).


No obligation. In this call, we will talk about:


-how my group body transformation works


-where you are currently at


-what the barriers are (if any)


-where you would like your fitness and wellbeing to be


I will then walk you through my 'proven methodology' and how I can help you.


I will also answer any of your questions.


PS. This is not a sales meeting/call.


Book Here


All the best



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